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Monday, May 5, 2008

♥ Undescribable Sexuality

Have you ever been sexually flustrated?? I know a lot of people in past and present times have at one point been or are right this very moment... Not knowing whether to be a homosexual or heterosexual or for that fact which gender role they'd really love to play... So many issues are dealt with when you are sexually flustrated... Denial, Pain, Trauma, Rejection and Guilt and lord knows what else... Being in the closet or "On the down Low" is supposed to be such a bad thing to do but so many people have no option... Knowing that work, family and personal lives will all be upset if the secret is ultimately revealed...The games you play and the front you put on for people knowing that you took a vow to be married and faithfull and you have kids but also knowing that you yearn for a person with the same equiptment to blow your mind.... Knowing that once you have officially been touched it could jeopardize your religion and even something as precious as your life... The costly mistake of being caught in the act... How could you assume strength to tell a loved one that you arent normal when it comes to the written word or even regain courage to move on when you are harshly rejected.... What do you do when you silently cry alone at night why you are a photo copy of whats so wrong?? How do you questions gods plan for you to be who you are?? Or better yet how do you come to terms with and accept who you have become and that you cant change the inevitable... People all over the world try their hardest to challenge and not condone same sex relationships or same sex marriages because they say its a sin, but where in the bible does it say that to love someone with every fiber of your being is such a deathly sin?? God intended for man to be with woman for the sole purpose of creating life and continuing generations... Men have to be with women to insure that we as a human race will survive... not becuase its morally wrong to be with a man... People dont look at the situation from every angle... they are so quick to judge... Then there is the gender role reversal thing... Some people are gay or lesbian because they simply have the desire to BE the opposite sex, not to BE WITH the same sex but i guess that comes apart of the package now doesnt it?? Knowing that you dont feel what you really are... Knowing that you have excessive amounts of masculinity or feminism running thru your blood whe your gender shows signs of hypocricy and contradicts your genataila and all assumption...

Im basically in a nutshell saying that some people accept this lifestyle and some people faintly disregard it as devils work... But either way you will never know how this truely feels until you are put in this predicament and are sexually flustrated yourself... Experience it 1st hand... So speaking of that... How are you?? Have you figured out what your sexuality is?? Are you confident and sexually free or repressed as a caged bird...


♥ My doll smiled.
5:04 PM
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Doll Lover ;

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    You Be Ken
    Love me Endlessly
    Dont Break My Heart

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